Why Do I Believe in God’s Timing?

Silhouette of person under phases of the moon at sunset

I believe in God's timing.

There are so many things that I desire for my life, but I patiently await their arrival.

Believing in God’s timing builds my faith and reminds me to express deep gratitude.

There are many months when I am unable to make ends meet, but I do away with worry.

I know that I serve a God who sees and knows everything.

He recognizes what is required to sustain His child and provides it.

Trying to control events to my own timing reflects my impatience as an imperfect being.

It shows greater trust in God’s ability when I calm my soul in the midst of uncertainty.

I pray and ask for divine intervention when I am facing a difficult challenge.

Having faith means giving one hundred percent of my burden to God.

It means believing that it is okay to rest my soul and await the answers from my heavenly Father.

When there is an emotional decision weighing on me, I avoid feeling overwhelmed.

I trust my conscience to guide me with God’s unfailing accuracy.

My conscience is led by the Holy Spirit that dwells within me.

It guides me when I search for answers.

When I make time for spiritual enrichment, I feel confident in the choices that I make.

Today, I know that all that is due to me is on its way in God’s time.

Faithful patience delivers the blessings from my heavenly Father without fail.

Here's The 3 Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What words of patience do I find in the Bible?
2. How willingly do I accept missing an opportunity that I pray to God about?
3. What does it mean to believe in things that I am unable to see?